Coaching Business Strategies

Confident female coach presenting Client Conversion Mastery to workshop participants.

7 Steps to Turn Event Attendees into Eager Clients Without Feeling Pushy

August 19, 202417 min read

The Event Conversion Conundrum

You’re feeling an emotional high after ending your workshop. The chat exploded with excitement, participants hung on your every word, and you felt like a rock star coach. But as days pass, that initial thrill fades into a deafening silence. No emails. No calls. No sign-ups. Sound familiar?

You're not alone in this emotional rollercoaster. A staggering 83% of event attendees never become leads, let alone paying clients. It's enough to make your stomach churn and your confidence waver.

As coaches, we pour our hearts and expertise into these events. We dream of transforming lives, yet watch potential clients slip through our fingers. It's frustrating. It's disheartening. It might even make you question your path.

But here's the ray of hope you've been waiting for, converting event participants into eager, paying clients doesn't have to feel like chasing shadows. You don't need to transform into a pushy salesperson or master mind-bending techniques. In this guide, we'll walk through five proven steps that will revolutionize your post-event strategy and help you turn those enthusiastic attendees into committed clients.

The Reality of Post-Event Silence

The excitement of a successful event can quickly turn into disappointment when faced with the harsh reality of post-event silence. Let's look at some sobering statistics:

  • Only 17% of event attendees become leads

  • 73% of event planners struggle to measure ROI

  • 70% of marketers say events are critical for their business, yet conversion rates remain low

These numbers paint a clear picture: converting event participants into clients is a widespread challenge in our industry.

As coaches and consultants, we often find ourselves in a frustrating cycle. We spend countless hours preparing for an event, deliver valuable content, and feel the energy of engaged participants. But when it's time for follow-up, we're met with unopened emails, unanswered calls, and a deafening silence from those who seemed so enthusiastic during the event.

This situation can take a significant emotional toll. It's easy to start doubting your abilities, questioning the value of your offerings, or feeling like you're simply not cut out for this business. The constant struggle to convert participants can lead to a crisis of professional identity. You might find yourself wondering if you're really an effective coach if you can't turn interested attendees into paying clients.

Celine Sharpe, Director of Bid Management at FIS Global, experienced this firsthand. She initially doubted the effectiveness of follow-up strategies, particularly the use of affirmation stories. The process seemed awkward and impractical to her, mirroring the hesitation many of us feel when it comes to post-event engagement.

But here's the thing, the problem isn't you or your coaching abilities. It's the lack of a systematic approach to converting event participants into clients. The good news? This is a skill you can learn and master, transforming your post-event silence into a stream of eager clients ready to work with you.

The Transformation Opportunity

Converting event participants into paying clients isn't just possible, it's a business-changing skill that can lay the foundation of growth for your coaching business.

Think of effective conversion strategies as the golden bridge between your valuable event content and a thriving coaching practice. At its core is a structured follow-up system, ensuring the connection you've sparked during your event doesn't fizzle out but instead blossoms into a meaningful, professional relationship.

Implementing such a system can yield remarkable results. Imagine waking up to an inbox full of eager messages from potential clients, or the thrill of seeing your calendar filled with discovery calls. Picture the satisfaction of knowing you're not just making a living, but truly making a difference in people's lives.

But it's not just about the numbers. It's about the impact. Every client you convert is a life you have the opportunity to transform. It's about the ripple effect of your work, as your clients go on to influence their own circles with the insights they've gained from you.

The flip side? Not implementing an effective follow-up system can leave you feeling like you're shouting into the void. You risk leaving money on the table, missing out on opportunities to make a difference, and potentially even jeopardizing the sustainability of your coaching business.

AI Transformational Event Planning Course & Workshop

A 7-Step Approach to Client Conversion

Embracing this transformation opportunity requires a strategic, multi-faceted approach. Client conversion isn't a single moment. It's a journey that begins long before your event starts and continues well after it ends. In fact, this process only concludes when a prospect either becomes a client or definitively decides not to. Each stage of this journey presents unique opportunities to nurture and guide potential clients towards a mutually beneficial partnership.

Step 1: Event Positioning

Your event is more than just a standalone experience. It's a strategic stepping stone towards solving a bigger problem for your clients. When you position your event correctly, you're offering a sample of your coaching expertise, allowing potential clients to test drive your methods and approach.

Think of it as a taste test at a gourmet restaurant. You're giving participants a chance to savor the flavors of your coaching style, experience your expertise firsthand, and envision the full course that awaits them in your coaching program.

Remember, this test drive works both ways. While participants are evaluating your coaching effectiveness, you're also assessing client fit. Your goal is to attract and work with clients who are motivated and ready to implement your guidance. This selective approach ensures that your energy is invested in those most likely to benefit from and appreciate your unique coaching style.

When promoting your event, emphasize that it's a small yet significant step towards achieving their larger goals. Highlight how the event connects to your broader coaching offerings and the more comprehensive transformation you can provide. This positioning sets the stage for a natural progression from event participant to coaching client.

By framing your event as an integral part of a larger journey, you create anticipation not just for the event itself, but for the potential ongoing relationship. This approach paves the way for a smoother transition into your coaching programs, as participants will already be thinking beyond the event and envisioning their continued growth with your guidance.

Step 2: Plan Follow-up Calls Before the Event

Imagine planting seeds of engagement long before your event begins. That's exactly what you're doing when you plan follow-up calls in advance. As you nurture prospects and promote your event, introduce the concept of a post-event "momentum call."

These momentum calls serve a dual purpose. For your prospects, they're an opportunity to maintain the energy and insights gained from your event. For you, they're a natural bridge to deeper conversations about your coaching program.

When you present these calls as part of the event package, you're showcasing your commitment to your participants' success. You're not just delivering content and waving goodbye. You're invested in their journey, ready to guide them beyond the event itself.

Encourage prospects to book these calls during the pre-event phase. This forward-thinking approach accomplishes several things. It builds anticipation for the event, as participants know they have a personalized follow-up to look forward to. It also increases the perceived value of your event, as you're offering more than just the event itself.

Moreover, having these calls scheduled in advance takes the pressure off both you and your prospects during the event. There's no need for awkward pitches or on-the-spot decisions. Instead, you can focus on delivering value, knowing you have a dedicated time to discuss next steps.

Remember, the best way for participants to maintain their event momentum is through your coaching program. By planning these calls in advance, you're creating a smooth pathway for interested prospects to transition from event attendees to committed clients.

Step 3: Deliver a Micro-Transformation During the Event

Black male coach presenting at a client conversion mastery workshop

Your event is more than just a showcase of information. It's a proving ground for your coaching prowess. Your goal is to guide participants through a small yet meaningful transformation, a taste of the larger change your full coaching program offers.

Think of this micro-transformation as a pivotal moment, a breakthrough that shifts perspectives and ignites possibilities. It's the "aha" that makes participants sit up and take notice, realizing the potential of your coaching approach.

Remember, your attendees are test-driving your coaching. They're evaluating not just what you know, but how effectively you can guide them towards change. If you can spark a small breakthrough during the event, you're demonstrating the power of your full program.

This micro-transformation serves another crucial purpose. It acts as a natural filter, helping both you and your participants assess fit. Those who experience this breakthrough are likely to be more aligned with your coaching style and more receptive to your full program.

As the event progresses, help participants connect the dots between their micro-transformation and the bigger picture. Paint a vivid image of what working with you as a coach would look like. Share the details of your offer, not as a sales pitch, but as a logical next step in their transformational journey.

Your role here is to share, not sell. You're opening a door, inviting participants to continue the journey they've already begun. By focusing on delivering genuine value and facilitating real breakthroughs, you create an environment where your offer feels like a natural and exciting progression.

Step 4: Offer a VIP Experience

Imagine providing a golden ticket to participants eager to accelerate their transformation. That's the essence of offering a VIP experience. This exclusive opportunity serves as a bridge, connecting the insights of your main event to the full potential of your coaching program.

Typically, this VIP experience unfolds immediately after your event or within a day or two. It's designed to be an extension of the event, diving deeper into the concepts and providing more personalized attention. This immersive environment allows participants to take their next significant step forward.

By participating in this VIP experience, prospects get a more intimate taste of your coaching style. They experience firsthand the power of focused, high-level guidance. This closer interaction builds confidence in your ability to guide them towards their ultimate goals.

The beauty of the VIP experience lies in its ability to create momentum. As participants achieve another layer of transformation, they become more comfortable with the idea that your full coaching program can deliver the comprehensive change they seek. It's like giving them a glimpse of the summit while they're still on the initial climb.

Here's a powerful statistic to consider: VIP participants are twice as likely to become clients. This isn't just about exposure to more content. It's about the deeper connection formed, the additional breakthroughs experienced, and the increased trust developed through this enhanced interaction.

Remember, your VIP experience isn't just an upsell. It's a genuine opportunity for committed participants to fast-track their progress. By offering this option, you're demonstrating your dedication to their success and providing a clear pathway for those ready to dive deeper into their transformational journey.

Step 5: Get Testimonials During The Event

Capture the magic while it's fresh. The end of your event isn't just a conclusion. It's a golden opportunity to collect powerful testimonials that can fuel your future success.

Think about it. Your participants have just experienced a micro-transformation. They're riding the emotional high of their breakthrough. This moment, when their excitement and gratitude are at their peak, is the perfect time to capture their authentic reactions.

Set aside some time at the end of your event specifically for gathering video testimonials. Invite those who feel moved by their experience to share their story. The key here is authenticity. You're not looking for scripted praise, but genuine expressions of how the event has impacted them.

These testimonials serve multiple purposes. They're not just marketing tools for future events. They're real-time social proof that can influence participants who might be on the fence about taking the next step with you. As attendees hear their peers describing breakthroughs and positive experiences, it reinforces the value of what you offer.

Moreover, the act of giving a testimonial can be transformative in itself. It encourages participants to reflect on their experience, cementing the positive changes they've undergone. For many, articulating their transformation out loud makes it feel more real and achievable.

Remember, these testimonials are more than just words of praise. They're stories of transformation that can inspire others to embark on their own journey with you. By collecting them at the height of participants' enthusiasm, you're capturing the true essence of the impact your event has made.

Step 6: Frame Follow-up Calls as Part of the Package

7 steps to create effective client conversions

Remember those momentum calls we planned before the event? Now is the time to bring them to fruition. These aren't just optional extras. They're an integral part of the event experience, a crucial step in your participants' journey.

Frame these follow-up calls as a natural extension of your event. They're not sales calls. They're momentum calls, designed to help participants maintain and build upon the progress they've made. By positioning them this way, you're showing that your commitment to their success extends beyond the event itself.

During these calls, your goal is threefold. First, you'll briefly review their situation, refreshing the context that brought them to your event. Then, you'll discuss the transformation they experienced during the event, reinforcing the positive changes they've undergone. Finally, you'll help them chart their next steps, whether that involves your coaching program or another path.

This is your opportunity to showcase your personal investment in their success. You're not just a presenter or a distant expert. You're a guide, genuinely interested in their progress and ready to offer tailored advice.

If your coaching program is the logical next step, this is the time to review what working together would look like. Be transparent about the process and the investment required. However, remember that your primary role is that of a coach, not a salesperson.

A key point to emphasize is that change requires action. Gently remind them that whether they choose to work with you or pursue another path, maintaining their current course won't lead to the transformation they seek. This isn't about pressure. It's about empowering them to take charge of their journey.

By making these follow-up calls an expected and valued part of the event experience, you're creating a seamless transition from event participant to potential client. You're not chasing them. You're continuing a conversation they've already invested in, guiding them towards the next stage of their transformation.

Step 7: Pro-active Follow-up and Nurture

Your event may be over, but your relationship with participants is just beginning. While follow-up emails are standard practice, they're often passive. You've invested significant time and effort in bringing prospects this far. Now is the time to finish strong with a proactive approach.

For those participants who haven't booked a momentum call, consider sending a personalized video message. This isn't about hard selling. It's about showing genuine interest in their journey. Express your appreciation for their participation and reinforce your commitment to supporting their progress, whether now or in the future.

In your message, open the door for further interaction. Invite them to reach out with questions or concerns. Remind them that booking a call is still an option if they feel it would be beneficial. This approach keeps the lines of communication open without applying pressure.

Remember, there's a delicate balance between being proactive and being pushy. No one enjoys feeling chased. However, busy people often appreciate thoughtful follow-up, especially for something they're interested in. Your goal is to be helpfully present, not overbearing.

A crucial point to keep in mind is that you're working on the prospect's timeline, not yours. Just because you're ready for them to start doesn't mean they're in a position to do so right now. Life happens, priorities shift, and timing is everything.

Your nurture strategy should be designed for the long game. Continue providing value through content, insights, and occasional check-ins. This ongoing nurture keeps you top of mind for when they are ready to take the next step.

By maintaining this proactive yet respectful approach, you're demonstrating your long-term commitment to their success. You're not just a one-time event host, but a potential ongoing partner in their journey of transformation. This patient, value-focused strategy often leads to stronger, more committed client relationships when the time is right.

Track and Optimize Your Conversion Process

Mastering the art of converting event participants into clients is an ongoing journey. By measuring your performance and continuously refining your approach, you can significantly boost your conversion rates over time.

Think of your conversion process as a finely-tuned machine. To keep it running smoothly, you need to monitor its key components. Here are the critical metrics to track:

  • Leads to prospects: How many leads does it take to secure one event signup?

  • Prospects to Participants Percentage: What proportion of signups actually attend your event or watch the replay?

  • VIP Percentage: If you offer a VIP experience, what percentage of participants opt for this upgrade?

  • Follow-up Call Rates: What percentage of participants schedule and attend a follow-up call?

  • Client Conversion Rate: What percentage of follow-up calls result in new coaching clients?

When you're just starting out, it's important to set realistic expectations. Typically, you might see around 10% of leads signing up for your event. Show-up rates generally fall between 33% and 50%. For VIP experiences, expect 10% to 33% of participants to upgrade. Follow-up call attendance usually ranges from 50% to 75%. Finally, a 20% to 33% conversion rate to clients is normal for beginners.

These numbers might seem daunting at first glance. However, it's far better to approach this journey with realistic expectations than to set yourself up for disappointment. For instance, if you had 10 signups, 5 attendees, 2 follow-up calls, and no immediate clients, don't be disheartened. While landing a couple of clients would have been great, the reality is that you simply needed more volume to see results.

Remember, improvement comes with experience. As you run more events, you'll refine your process and see your numbers climb. That's the power of tracking your metrics. It gives you a clear picture of what to expect and where to focus your efforts for maximum impact.

By embracing this data-driven approach, you're not just hoping for success. You're systematically working towards it, one optimized event at a time.

AI Transformational Event Planning Course & Workshop

From Participants to Partners

The challenge of converting event participants into committed clients is a common hurdle for many coaches. Without an effective conversion strategy, you risk leaving potential clients and revenue on the table, limiting the impact of your coaching business. However, by implementing the seven-step process we've outlined, you can transform your events from one-time interactions into a powerful client acquisition machine. This approach not only boosts your conversion rates but also enhances the value you provide to your participants, creating a win-win situation.

While transformational events are indeed a valuable strategy for startup coaches, it's crucial to remember that the ultimate goal is acquiring clients. Running successful events is important, but your focus should remain on converting participants into clients. The process of client conversion is vital, but equally important is developing the right mindset for conversion. In our next post, we'll cover the mindset coaches must develop to consistently convert clients.

The client conversion process we've explored is just one piece of the comprehensive AI Biz Accelerator - Winning With Events program. Our approach leverages proven AI-powered frameworks to help you define your niche, ideal client, methodology, event structure, messaging, content marketing strategy, nurturing process, and of course, client conversion techniques. 

If you're intrigued by the potential of using transformational events to consistently attract clients, we invite you to take the first step with our AI Transformational Event Planning Course and Workshop. This program is designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to create impactful events that consistently convert participants into clients. Take the next step in building your coaching business by visiting Your future clients are waiting for the transformation only you can provide.


  1. Cvent. (2023). "Event Industry Statistics & Insights." Retrieved from

  2. Forbes Coaches Council. (2022). "14 Coaches Share Their Most Notable Client Success Stories." Forbes. Retrieved from

  3. Forbes Coaches Council. (2023). "16 Coaches Share Some Of The Best Ways To Find And Convert Leads." Forbes. Retrieved from

  4. HubSpot. (2024). "The Ultimate Guide to Sales Follow-Up." Retrieved from

ConvertKit. (2023). "Email Marketing Benchmarks." Retrieved from

event participant conversioncoaching client conversionnon-pushy sales techniquesevent follow-up strategiesvalue-based event marketing
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